Monday, 28 October 2013

Looking through the Lens

Photography for Magazine

            All the basics learnt and new key terms will help me in designing my portrait. For example I know now that for portrait soft light is used to give the image a fresh and a smooth look. Harsh light will create depth in image showing wrinkles etc. I know how to get the correct exposure with the help of shutter speed and aperture so my image is not under or over exposed. It will create just the right combination to attract audience. Also learning about different angle shots will help me decide which shot is suitable for my magazine cover and I will be able to recognize them.  Way to go....!!!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Finalising Font for Magazine Masthead

Working on Font Selection 

I am very excited that we have started working on the name and fonts for our school magazine. I have decided to choose 'Enlighten' as the name of my magazine meaning 'illuminate' as the objective is to spread education.The second last I believe is appropriate as it emphasizes determination and strength to achieve success.

I have decided to choose 'Engravers MT' as font as it is decent and is a font that puts an impact on the reader. Secondly, 'Enlighten' is a powerful word symbolizing hope and passion to excel, this font is powerful and fills perfectly.

About the font 'Engravers MT'

Some typographers claim that the first designs of Engravers MT came from America rather than from one of these European foundries: Stephenson Blake and Co., Bauer, or Schelter & Giesecke. It's difficult to be sure which design could be called the original, but this face, introduced in 1924, is Mono-type's contender to that claim. The metal version was available in one size only: 6 points. Even so, the font's very thin hairlines printed clearly, a tribute to the engraver's art.  


Used infrequently for a variety of purposes. Notably used on Strong Bad's gravestone in replacement.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Preliminary Task: Drafing

Mock Ups

Magazine Cover

The cover page I have made consists of a 'U' shape as cover lines are arranged in a U shape. The reason I chose this shape was that more information could be displayed which makes a magazine interesting and eye catching  for the target audience.

Magazine Content Page

The content page is organised in such a way as to make it easy for the target audience to comprehend and at the same time images inserted and the hot topics attracts the target audience to purchase it. 

Magazine Double Spread Page

The double spread page consists of an image and information about the main topic the magazine consist of along with a 'pull quote' to make it eye catching.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Science Behind the Magazine

Codes And Conventions of Magazine!

Codes and Conventions of Magazine Double Spread Page
Codes and Conventions of Magazine Contents page
Codes And Conventions of Magazine Front Covers

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Reading between Lines

Research about Codes and Conventions


    Learning about these new things and observing them with an altogether totally different perspective was a thrilling experience. Looking forward to many other new things with a more broader vision.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Delving Deeper!

Some Important Key Media Terms

 Media Text: This refers to any media product such as newspaper, television and internet.


This word is a series of signs put together in a specific order to create meaning. Saussure, of course, emphasized the theoretical importance of the relationship of signs to each other. He also noted that 'normally we do not express ourselves by using single linguistic signs, but groups of signs, organized in complexes which themselves are signs. Example- The sentence you are reading is a Syntagm.
Semiotics: This is an attempt to create a science of the study of signs and their role in construction and reconstruction of meaning in media text. A sign is broadly classified into two groups,
  1. The Signifier- a physical object
  2. The Signified- a mental concept
     Hence, Signifier + Signified = Sign

Three kinds of sentences

  •  Iconic Sign: It has a signifier that bears close relationship to the object being signified.

  • Indexical Sign:  It assumes the relationship between the signifier and the signified, so that when we see one we expect the other.

  • Symbolic Signs: It has no obvious relationship between the signifier and the signified. This has to be learnt from society example alphabets.


      Semiotics work on two distinct levels

  1. Denotation: This is the surface meaning- it is literally what u see before you.
  2. Connotation: This conveys a deeper meaning of an image- what it could possibly suggest. 

      Mise-en-scene: It literally means to 'put into a scene'.  Mise-en-scene for a hip-hop/Rap music magazine. 
  • Iconography: In the hip-hop/rap music magazine we see typical items used frequently such as snapbacks, sunglasses, gold/sliver jewelry- necklaces and rings. Most artists in this genre support these items to show they represent this genre.   

  • Costumes: Artists can wear jogging bottoms, designer trousers or baggy jeans, hoodies and jackets. There are two main looks an artist can have. They can wear cheap baggy trousers, hoody or trainers or they can wear designer gear. An artist can look poorly dressed if he wants to create a feel of being comfortable of what he is wearing and that he doesn't care about the following trends by wearing nice clothes. On the other hand the artist may want the best designer clothes to give an impression that he can afford them and look smart trendy and powerful. 

  • Positioning of the artist: Artist tend to stand with their hands wide out to give a sense that they are big and powerful or they can put their hands in pockets to show that they are relaxed. They normally have angry facial expressions on their face to make them look intimidating and powerful.