Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Inner Side!

The Horse of Different Colours -  Namra Imran!

Different strokes for different folks:
I am a person filled with lots and lots of interests. Unfortunately, there is not just a one side of me. By that I mean, there are many faces of me to explore. For me being a girl doesn't matter. I still want to try a lot of different and unique things in Life........! Whether it be bunji jumping to playing cricket or else for that sake cooking which I hate or taking media studies as my A level subject.

  1. My Passion
Well, being a professional cricketer definitely means I am  fascinated by this sport. but yes, to me life doesn't stop here. For me Life is a road to learn which Never Ends!!! Learning new and unique things in which I am interested and taking them as a challenge is My Passion.

  1. My Creativity
I believe creativity involves a lot of things. My creativity lies in arts. Getting familiar with different mediums of painting such as oil, poster or acrylic paints or either drawing comprising of alternate shading techniques. Interesting and simultaneously challenging.

  1.   Interests
  • Photography
This is an amazing thing to learn. Exploring new places with a different perspective and bringing that with creativity to change the perception of the viewer conveying the message in the best possible way.

  • Videography
This is again something that shakes me and compels me to learn it. Editing, adding music and inquiring about different techniques. Looking at different videos really inspires me to learn it..........hope to produce some impressive videos. The camera and its direction is also a very exciting thing. Looking forward to it!!!

  1. Other Interests
Music and Dance: I love to sing and listen to's soothing to the ears. I love dancing, particularly break dance......willing to learn that too and even to play guitar.

Why Media Studies???
I believe the whole bunch of interest mentioned above comprises of media studies. In my view I have got a great honor and a chance to explore what media is all about. So this is the reason I have taken media studies. It will help me wider my vision and also help me in marketing in future.

The Anonymous Exploring Life...........................Namra Imran!

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