Wednesday 6 November 2013

Resolution, Image Size and Color Mode

Resolution: It refers to the number of pixels in a full size image. There are two types of images; High-Res and Low-Res. An image with high-res contains more information then an image with with low-res. However, the information is lost in the conversion, the reverse is not true. If we increase the resolution of low-res image it will become fuzzy.  

Screen Resolution: It is close to 72 pixels per inch if we are working with graphics to be viewed only on screen. 72 should be fine. For the printed work as in case we are working on magazine 300 resolution is the accepted res for the images which need to be printed. 

Image Size: It is also expressed in pixels. It deals with the actual number of pixels depending how tall and wide the image is. Fro example by plugging the height in the Vertical Image it will automatically detect the width and hence it's resolution. 

Color Mode: It refers to the type of color one will be using in the image. CMYK and RGB are the most important to be familiar with.

  1. CMYK: This is the setting for images that will be printed to paper. The letter refers to the four channels of color used to create every color available: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black(K).  
  2.  RGB: Refers to the three channels of color modes suitable to be viewed on we: Red, Green and Blue. 

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