Monday 11 November 2013

Preliminary Task- Photography

Selecting the final photograph

Taking photographs of a magazine was a difficult task. Firstly, I took pictures indoor and deciding upon the background was a really difficult task. I wanted a simple background which actually suited the clothes of the model which I had thought of. Then the hindrance came from the light. It was hard creating a soft light that made the model stand out. For that I used different lights and experimented by using the flash light and trying different aperture. Then I dressed my model accordingly keeping the background in mind which was pink and in some light brown. I made my model wear a black quote in some images a black hat differentiate it from the casual wear. Lastly, I took a number of images with different poses and finally selected one of them. Below are some pictures I took indoor:


I also took some portraits for my magazine outdoor in school. In this I just had to decide upon the background as pictures I took was in uniform and the way I had to use the light. Few images are uploaded below.

The One I selected:

The reason I selected this image was because of the different pose. I really liked the face expression and the eyes are directly contacting with the audience. It feels as if it is asking a question such as, Are you interested? The background and shadow are two elements of concern but they can always be countered in adobe photoshop.

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