It is the classification of different media products to make it easy to reach the target audience and give the producer or industry direction to work towards and to meet the target expectations.
My Genre and the reason I selected this:
I have decided to chose 'Sports' as my genre. The reason behind my choice is that personally I am a professional cricket player. Through out my childhood I have been fascinated by sports, won a million awards for sports in athletics, cricket and remained sports captain in school for five years. This is my passion and my life without which I am incomplete. Sports is a resemblance of my personality. I am more fascinated by this genre then by any other. Secondly, I have the right exposure, experience and the in depth knowledge and understanding of this genre. I know what the target audience need as I myself contribute to the target market. I'm also familiar with my target market which would range from 18 onwards, keeping in mind of the new talents till 35 which is almost the retiring age.
Codes and Conventions of Sports Magazine;
Features and Characteristics
After examining a couple of sports magazines I have come up with a few connotations in the sports magazine.
- A famous player is portrait as a main image mostly with an action, sometimes they are also posing on the command of the photographer obviously

- The player is actually communicating with the target audience showing attitude that depicts determination, passion, energy, strength and focus to succeed. They are also a means of giving 'hope' to the new talent and the ones struggling to play professionally and succeed.

- They are mostly represented in their playing kit while holding an element showing their sports or sometimes dressed up and holding a football or basketball etc as shown below.
- The font used is mostly strong showing passion and easily readable to the target market. The color of the font is mostly black, red and white with bold letters so it is readable as the background is mostly busy in sports magazines.

- One thing is that Sports Magazines do not have any pug or puff. For reference take a look at the magazine covers images shown. Most of them do consist of strip.

- There are various settings or backgrounds of sports magazines. It can be the field where the particular sport is played such as a ground or hockey stadium etc or it can just be a background the photographer wants as shown in the Tennis Magazine Cover. The background is black.

- The representation of sports magazines are normally through firstly a famous player along with the kit and it's sporting gear doing an action. However, they can be portrait as dressed men with attitude and sometimes holding the sporting gear. Examples shown below
There are some existing layouts of magazine in the market that fill the codes and conventions shown below:
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