Thursday 12 December 2013

Preliminary Task: The Final Magazine Content Page

Detailed Explanation of Magazine Content Page:

Step 1: First, I selected the same color tone background which I did for my magazine front cover. I fill the layer with this color. Still it did not gave a similar look. I did this because the content page should look of the same magazine cover. 

Step 2:  As the color of the background needed to be adjusted I used the hue and saturation tool and adjusted the lightness along with hue and saturation. This helped to make it a little brighter and hence less dull and boring. This color was similar to the magazine cover. I added the dark blue strips on either sides to make it better and for the masthead to stand out.  

Step 3: Next, I added the bright red color to make it more decent and interesting along with vertical and horizontal lines to give it a content page look. I kept the space for masthead of the same color as my magazine cover background so it looked as the same magazine.

Step 4: Next, I wrote the 'contents' with the same color and font used in magazine cover 'Engravers MT' 

Step 5: Then, I inserted the pictures which consisted of main topics. I adjusted their image size by going in image and selecting image canvas.  

Step 6:  After that, I wrote the sub headings for my main topic. I wrote the page number in yellow and  increased it text size to make it visible. I wrote majority of the headings in blue except the 'Teenager Activities' for which I used light brown and used a girlish font 'Hobo Std' and teaser words which I wrote in white along with larger text size to make it eye catching. Using the same font and color gave it a decent look.

Step 7: Lastly, I wrote the date, issue no and website to complete my content page. I used the white color to make it clearly visible. Hence, my content page is ready.

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