Saturday 29 March 2014

Planning; Various Codes and Meanings

Code: A system of signs which can be decoded to create meaning.

Most Common Codes:
  1. Dress codes - this will be represented by the kit as my genre it cricket magazine
  2. Colour codes - I will use green as this is the colour of the Pakistan flag and the Pakistan cricket team and symbolises patriotism as normally sports lours are really patriotic.
  3. Non verbal codes / proxemics (facial gestures or body language): My model will have attitude and expression that provokes determination, energy, passion and zeal. The body language will convey motivation and strength.
  4. Technical codes: Relates to the way in which particular texts are reproduced and the media used such as documentary. I will use the top angle to give my model a powerful look.   

Conventions: Is what you would expect to see in a certain genre, for example: in a sports genre we can expect sports equipment along with a famous player.

The codes and conventions in media can be separated into 3 groups -
- Technical (e.g. camera angles, movements & shots),
- Symbolic (e.g. clothing, colours)
- Written and audio (music etc.).
These three distinct groups give the text meaning and determine the response of the viewer.

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